Chapter 4 Metabric data analysis

Now it’s our turn to apply the techniques that we have learned so far in this workshop. In this section, we will explore some datasets that were part of a study characterising the genomic mutations (SNVs and CNAs) and gene expression profiles for over 2000 primary breast tumours. In addition, a detailed clinical information can also be found for this study alongside the experimental data from cBioPortal. Alternatively, you can download only the required files from Zenodo.

The study was published under two prominent publications -

Curtis et al., Nature 486:346-52, 2012

Pereira et al., Nature Communications 7:11479, 2016

FYI, the gene expression data generated using microarrays, genome-wide copy number profiles were obtained using SNP microarrays and targeted sequencing was performed using a panel of 40 driver-mutation genes to detect mutations (single nucleotide variants).

Let’s download the data and save it in a folder (if you have not done it already). We will be plotting different aspects of the patient related information in our exploratory data analysis (EDA) workshop today. And for that, we will merge and format the data provided.

Now, let’s load the data one by one using the function read.delim with appropriate parameters -


# Load patient data and explore a few of the columns (e.g. BREAST_SURGERY, CELLULARITY,CHEMOTHERAPY, ER_IHC ) -
patient_data <- read.delim("/Users/mahedi/Documents/Collaborations/UCL_CI/metabric/brca_metabric/data_clinical_patient.txt",comment.char = "#", sep = "\t")

patient_data %>% pull(BREAST_SURGERY) %>% table
## .
##                   BREAST CONSERVING        MASTECTOMY 
##               554               785              1170
patient_data %>% pull(CELLULARITY) %>% table
## .
##              High      Low Moderate 
##      592      965      215      737
patient_data %>% pull(CHEMOTHERAPY) %>% table
## .
##        NO  YES 
##  529 1568  412
patient_data %>% pull(ER_IHC) %>% table
## .
##          Negative  Positve 
##       83      609     1817
# Load sample data and explore the ER_STATUS
sample_data <- read.delim("/Users/mahedi/Documents/Collaborations/UCL_CI/metabric/brca_metabric/data_clinical_sample.txt",comment.char = "#", sep = "\t")

sample_data %>% pull(ER_STATUS) %>% table
## .
## Negative Positive 
##      644     1825
# Load CNA data and explore
CNA_data <- read.table("/Users/mahedi/Documents/Collaborations/UCL_CI/metabric/brca_metabric/data_cna.txt",header = T, sep = "\t") %>%
  select(-Entrez_Gene_Id) %>%
  distinct(Hugo_Symbol, .keep_all = T)

CNA_data[1:10, 1:10]
##    Hugo_Symbol MB.0000 MB.0039 MB.0045 MB.0046 MB.0048 MB.0050 MB.0053 MB.0062
## 1         A1BG       0       0      -1       0       0       0       0      -1
## 2     A1BG-AS1       0       0      -1       0       0       0       0      -1
## 3         A1CF       0       0       0       0       1       0       0       0
## 4          A2M       0       0      -1      -1       0       0       0       2
## 5      A2M-AS1       0       0      -1      -1       0       0       0       2
## 6        A2ML1       0       0      -1      -1       0       0       0       2
## 7        A2MP1       0       0      -1      -1       0       0       0       2
## 8      A3GALT2       0       0       0       0       0       0       0      -1
## 9       A4GALT       0       0       0      -1      -1      -1       0       1
## 10       A4GNT       0       0       2       0       0       0       1       1
##    MB.0064
## 1        0
## 2        0
## 3        0
## 4        0
## 5        0
## 6        0
## 7        0
## 8        0
## 9        0
## 10       0
# Load mutation data and explore
mutation_data <- read.delim("/Users/mahedi/Documents/Collaborations/UCL_CI/metabric/brca_metabric/data_mutations.txt",comment.char = "#", sep = "\t") 

mutation_data %>% head()
##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id   Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position
## 1        TP53             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         17        7579344
## 2        TP53             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         17        7579346
## 3       MLLT4             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          6      168299111
## 4         NF2             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         22       29999995
## 5       SF3B1             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          2      198288682
## 6        NT5E             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          6       86195125
##   End_Position Strand              Consequence Variant_Classification
## 1      7579345      +       frameshift_variant        Frame_Shift_Ins
## 2      7579347      + protein_altering_variant           In_Frame_Ins
## 3    168299111      +         missense_variant      Missense_Mutation
## 4     29999995      +         missense_variant      Missense_Mutation
## 5    198288682      +       synonymous_variant                 Silent
## 6     86195125      +       synonymous_variant                 Silent
##   Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS
## 1          INS                -                 -                 G       NA
## 2          INS                -                 -               CAG       NA
## 3          SNP                G                 G                 T       NA
## 4          SNP                G                 G                 T       NA
## 5          SNP                A                 A                 T       NA
## 6          SNP                T                 T                 C       NA
##   dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode
## 1               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 2               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 3               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 4               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 5               NA            MTS-T0059                          NA
## 6               NA            MTS-T0059                          NA
##   Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1
## 1                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 2                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 3                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 4                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 5                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 6                     NA                     NA                       NA
##   Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1
## 1                       NA                            NA
## 2                       NA                            NA
## 3                       NA                            NA
## 4                       NA                            NA
## 5                       NA                            NA
## 6                       NA                            NA
##   Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status
## 1                            NA                  NA                NA
## 2                            NA                  NA                NA
## 3                            NA                  NA                NA
## 4                            NA                  NA                NA
## 5                            NA                  NA                NA
## 6                            NA                  NA                NA
##   Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score
## 1              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 2              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 3              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 4              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 5              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 6              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
##   BAM_File            Sequencer t_ref_count t_alt_count n_ref_count n_alt_count
## 1       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 2       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 3       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 4       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 5       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 6       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
##                               HGVSc                HGVSp    HGVSp_Short
## 1        ENST00000269305.4:c.343dup   p.His115ProfsTer34   p.H115Pfs*34
## 2 ENST00000269305.4:c.340_341insCTG p.Leu114delinsSerVal p.L114delinsSV
## 3       ENST00000392108.3:c.1544G>T          p.Gly515Val        p.G515V
## 4          ENST00000338641.4:c.8G>T            p.Gly3Val          p.G3V
## 5         ENST00000335508.6:c.45T>A             p.Ile15=         p.I15=
## 6        ENST00000257770.3:c.924T>C            p.Ile308=        p.I308=
##     Transcript_ID         RefSeq Protein_position     Codons Hotspot
## 1 ENST00000269305 NM_001126112.2              114        -/C       0
## 2 ENST00000269305 NM_001126112.2              114 ttg/tCTGtg       0
## 3 ENST00000392108 NM_001040000.2              515    gGa/gTa       0
## 4 ENST00000338641    NM_000268.3                3    gGg/gTg       0
## 5 ENST00000335508    NM_012433.2               15    atT/atA       0
## 6 ENST00000257770    NM_002526.3              308    atT/atC       0
# Load expression data and explore
expression_data <- read.delim("/Users/mahedi/Documents/Collaborations/UCL_CI/metabric/brca_metabric/data_mrna_agilent_microarray.txt",comment.char = "#", sep = "\t", header = T)

expression_data[1:10, 1:10]
##    Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id  MB.0362  MB.0346   MB.0386  MB.0574  MB.0185
## 1         RERE            473 8.676978 9.653589  9.033589 8.814855 8.736406
## 2       RNF165         494470 6.075331 6.687887  5.910885 5.628740 6.392422
## 3         PHF7          51533 5.838270 5.600876  6.030718 5.849428 5.542133
## 4        CIDEA           1149 6.397503 5.246319 10.111816 6.116868 5.184098
## 5        TENT2         167153 7.906217 8.267256  7.959291 9.206376 8.162845
## 6      SLC17A3          10786 5.702379 5.521794  5.689533 5.439130 5.464326
## 7          SDS          10993 6.930741 6.141689  6.529312 6.430102 6.105427
## 8     ATP6V1C2         245973 5.332863 7.563477  5.482155 5.398675 5.026018
## 9           F3           2152 5.275676 5.376381  5.463788 5.409761 5.338580
## 10      FAM71C         196472 5.443896 5.319857  5.254294 5.512298 5.430874
##     MB.0503  MB.0641  MB.0201
## 1  9.274265 9.286585 8.437347
## 2  5.908698 6.206729 6.095592
## 3  5.964661 5.783374 5.737572
## 4  7.828171 8.744149 5.480091
## 5  8.706646 8.518929 7.478413
## 6  5.417484 5.629885 5.686286
## 7  6.684893 5.632753 5.866132
## 8  5.266674 5.701353 6.403136
## 9  5.490693 5.363266 6.341856
## 10 5.363378 5.191612 5.208379

To begin with, let’s explore the mutation data a bit by plotting the frequency of different types of mutations -

##   Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id   Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position
## 1        TP53             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         17        7579344
## 2        TP53             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         17        7579346
## 3       MLLT4             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          6      168299111
## 4         NF2             NA METABRIC     GRCh37         22       29999995
## 5       SF3B1             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          2      198288682
## 6        NT5E             NA METABRIC     GRCh37          6       86195125
##   End_Position Strand              Consequence Variant_Classification
## 1      7579345      +       frameshift_variant        Frame_Shift_Ins
## 2      7579347      + protein_altering_variant           In_Frame_Ins
## 3    168299111      +         missense_variant      Missense_Mutation
## 4     29999995      +         missense_variant      Missense_Mutation
## 5    198288682      +       synonymous_variant                 Silent
## 6     86195125      +       synonymous_variant                 Silent
##   Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS
## 1          INS                -                 -                 G       NA
## 2          INS                -                 -               CAG       NA
## 3          SNP                G                 G                 T       NA
## 4          SNP                G                 G                 T       NA
## 5          SNP                A                 A                 T       NA
## 6          SNP                T                 T                 C       NA
##   dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode
## 1               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 2               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 3               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 4               NA            MTS-T0058                          NA
## 5               NA            MTS-T0059                          NA
## 6               NA            MTS-T0059                          NA
##   Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1
## 1                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 2                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 3                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 4                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 5                     NA                     NA                       NA
## 6                     NA                     NA                       NA
##   Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1
## 1                       NA                            NA
## 2                       NA                            NA
## 3                       NA                            NA
## 4                       NA                            NA
## 5                       NA                            NA
## 6                       NA                            NA
##   Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status
## 1                            NA                  NA                NA
## 2                            NA                  NA                NA
## 3                            NA                  NA                NA
## 4                            NA                  NA                NA
## 5                            NA                  NA                NA
## 6                            NA                  NA                NA
##   Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score
## 1              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 2              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 3              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 4              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 5              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
## 6              NA               NA              NA                NA    NA
##   BAM_File            Sequencer t_ref_count t_alt_count n_ref_count n_alt_count
## 1       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 2       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 3       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 4       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 5       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
## 6       NA Illumina HiSeq 2,000          NA          NA          NA          NA
##                               HGVSc                HGVSp    HGVSp_Short
## 1        ENST00000269305.4:c.343dup   p.His115ProfsTer34   p.H115Pfs*34
## 2 ENST00000269305.4:c.340_341insCTG p.Leu114delinsSerVal p.L114delinsSV
## 3       ENST00000392108.3:c.1544G>T          p.Gly515Val        p.G515V
## 4          ENST00000338641.4:c.8G>T            p.Gly3Val          p.G3V
## 5         ENST00000335508.6:c.45T>A             p.Ile15=         p.I15=
## 6        ENST00000257770.3:c.924T>C            p.Ile308=        p.I308=
##     Transcript_ID         RefSeq Protein_position     Codons Hotspot
## 1 ENST00000269305 NM_001126112.2              114        -/C       0
## 2 ENST00000269305 NM_001126112.2              114 ttg/tCTGtg       0
## 3 ENST00000392108 NM_001040000.2              515    gGa/gTa       0
## 4 ENST00000338641    NM_000268.3                3    gGg/gTg       0
## 5 ENST00000335508    NM_012433.2               15    atT/atA       0
## 6 ENST00000257770    NM_002526.3              308    atT/atC       0
ggplot(data=mutation_data,mapping = aes(Variant_Classification, fill=Variant_Classification)) + 
  geom_bar() + 

Now we will build a word cloud of genes that had been affected by mutations -

# install.packages("wordcloud")
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
# We need the gene name and how many times they are affected by any non-synonymous mutation -
mutation_wordcloud_data <- mutation_data %>%
  filter(Consequence != "synonymous_variant") %>%
  group_by(Hugo_Symbol) %>% 
  summarise(freq=n()) %>% 

mutation_wordcloud_data %>% head
## # A tibble: 6 × 2
##   word    freq
##   <chr>  <int>
## 1 ACVRL1    13
## 2 AFF2      44
## 3 AGMO      32
## 4 AGTR2     14
## 5 AHNAK    246
## 6 AHNAK2   537
# Let's find out some highly affected genes - 
ggplot(mutation_wordcloud_data %>% filter(freq > 100)) +
  geom_col(aes(word, freq)) +

# Now create the word cloud
wordcloud(word=mutation_wordcloud_data %>% pull(word),
          freq = mutation_wordcloud_data %>% pull(freq),
          scale=c(5,0.5),     # Set min and max scale
          max.words=100,      # Set top n words
          random.order=FALSE, # Words in decreasing freq
          rot.per=0.35,       # % of vertical words
          use.r.layout=T, # Use C++ collision detection
          colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))

Now, we will subset the loaded data so that we can merge (or join) them together later. We will create new dataset containing -

  • Frequency of mutations per patient from mutation_data.

  • Expression data for selected (but important) genes: "GATA3","FOXA1","MLPH","ESR1","ERBB2","PGR","TP53","PIK3CA", "AKT1", "PTEN", "PIK3R1", "FOXO3","RB1", "KMT2C", "ARID1A", "NCOR1","CTCF","MAP3K1","NF1","CDH1","TBX3","CBFB","RUNX1", "USP9X","SF3B1"

  • Sub-setting sample_data using selected columns: PATIENT_ID, SAMPLE_ID, ER_STATUS, HER2_STATUS, PR_STATUS,GRADE.


And, we will combine all the data based on the patient_ID to create a master dataset that we will use in the rest of the worshop.

# Find out the frequency of mutations per patient
mutation_per_patient <- mutation_data %>%
  filter(Consequence != "synonymous_variant") %>%
  pull(Tumor_Sample_Barcode) %>%
  table() %>%
  data.frame() %>% 
  select(patient_ID = ".", Mutation_count=Freq)

# subsetting and formatting the expression data 
sub_expression_data <- expression_data %>% 
  filter(Hugo_Symbol %in% c("GATA3","FOXA1","MLPH","ESR1","ERBB2","PGR","TP53","PIK3CA",
                            "AKT1", "PTEN", "PIK3R1", "FOXO3","RB1", "KMT2C", "ARID1A",


rownames(sub_expression_data) <- sub_expression_data$Hugo_Symbol

sub_expression_data <- sub_expression_data %>%
  select(-Hugo_Symbol,-Entrez_Gene_Id) %>%
  t() %>%
  data.frame() %>%
  mutate(patient_ID = rownames(.))

# subsetting the sample_data

sub_sample_data <- sample_data %>% 
  select(patient_ID = PATIENT_ID,
         sample_ID = SAMPLE_ID,
         cancer_type = CANCER_TYPE,
         cancer_type_detailed = CANCER_TYPE_DETAILED,
         ER_status = ER_STATUS,
         HER2_status = HER2_STATUS,
         PR_status = PR_STATUS,
         Neoplasm_Histologic_Grade = GRADE)


# subsetting the patient data 
sub_patient_data <- patient_data %>%
   select(patient_ID = PATIENT_ID,
          Three_gene_classifier_subtype = THREEGENE,
          Age_at_diagnosis = AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS,
          Cellularity = CELLULARITY,
          Chemotherapy = CHEMOTHERAPY,
          ER_status_measured_by_IHC = ER_IHC,
          Hormone_therapy = HORMONE_THERAPY,
          Integrative_cluster = INTCLUST,
          Nottingham_prognostic_index = NPI,
          PAM50 = CLAUDIN_SUBTYPE)

# let's combine the dataset 
combined_data <- left_join(sub_patient_data,sub_sample_data, by="patient_ID")
combined_data <- left_join(combined_data, mutation_per_patient, by="patient_ID")
combined_data$patient_ID <- gsub("-",".",combined_data$patient_ID) # replace the '-' sign to '.' in the patient_ID column

combined_data <- left_join(combined_data,sub_expression_data, by="patient_ID")

Now, we will generate a scatter plot using the expression data of Estrogen receptor ESR1 against that of transcription factor GATA3. Then we will build our understanding of their co-expression by building a linear model (on the plot, of course). We will then refine that based on the ER_status (positive or negative) -

ggplot(data = combined_data) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = GATA3, y = ESR1))
## Warning: Removed 529 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

ggplot(data = combined_data %>% na.omit(),  aes(x = GATA3, y = ESR1)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

ggplot(data = combined_data %>% na.omit()) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(x = GATA3, y = ESR1, colour = ER_status))

ggplot(data = combined_data %>% na.omit(),  aes(x = GATA3, y = ESR1, colour = ER_status)) +
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'

On a different note, GATA3 expression is ususally high in Luminal A subtype of breast cancer and also in tumour with positive estrogen receptor (ER+) status (Voduc D et. al.). Let’s find out if that’s try for this study -

# GATA3 expression in PAM50 classified tumour types-
ggplot(combined_data, aes(PAM50, GATA3)) + 
## Warning: Removed 529 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_boxplot()`).

# GATA3 expression in tumour with different ER status (positive and negative)-
ggplot(combined_data %>% na.omit(), aes(ER_status, GATA3)) + 

ggplot(combined_data %>% na.omit(), aes(ER_status, GATA3)) + 

Now, we will look at the distribution of age of the patients at diagnosis as a function of some selected mutated genes.

mut_gene <- mutation_data %>%
  filter(Consequence != "synonymous_variant") %>%
  select(gene=Hugo_Symbol,patient_ID=Tumor_Sample_Barcode )

patient_age <- patient_data %>% select(age=AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS,patient_ID=PATIENT_ID)

plot_data <- left_join(mut_gene,patient_age,by="patient_ID") %>%
  filter(gene %in% c("PIK3CA", "TP53", "GATA3", "CDH1", "MAP3K1", "CBFB", "SF3B1")) %>%
  mutate(age_cat = case_when(age < 45 ~ "<45",
                             age >= 45 & age <= 54 ~ "45-54",
                             age >= 55 & age <= 64 ~ "55-64",
                             age > 64  ~ ">64",)) %>%

plot_data$age_cat <- factor(plot_data$age_cat, ordered = T, levels = c(">64","55-64","45-54","<45"))

plot_data %>%
  group_by(gene,age_cat) %>%
  select(gene,age_cat) %>% 
  summarise(freq=n()) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(gene,freq, fill=age_cat), position="fill", colour="black") +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("#568a48","#6fad76","#aac987","#e6ede3")) +
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'gene'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.

Can we distinguish any pattern from the plot?

Now, we will try to explore patterns of co-occurring mutations and mutual exclusivity in a set of 21 driver genes (so-called Mut-driver genes) -


# create a matrix for the combination of the frequency of mutated genes and each patient
mat <- t(splitstackshape:::charMat(listOfValues = split( mut_gene$gene,mut_gene$patient_ID), fill = 0L))

# set of 21 Mut-driver genes
mat_gene <- c("PIK3CA","AKT1","PTEN","PIK3R1","FOXO3", "RB1", "KMT2C", "ARID1A","NCOR1","CTCF", "TP53", "MAP3K1", "NF1","CDH1","GATA3","TBX3","CBFB","RUNX1","ERBB2","USP9X","SF3B1")

# create an empty matrix 
mat_asso <- matrix(data=NA, nrow = length(mat_gene), ncol = length(mat_gene))
colnames(mat_asso) <- mat_gene
rownames(mat_asso) <- mat_gene

# fill in the cells with log odds ratio for each pairwise association test
for(i in mat_gene){
  for(j in mat_gene){
    mat_asso[i,j] <- fisher.test(mat[i,],mat[j,])$estimate %>% log()


# get rid of a triangular half of the matrix
mat_asso[upper.tri(mat_asso, diag = T)] <- 0

ggplot(melt(mat_asso), aes(Var1,Var2)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill=value), colour="white") +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "#7c4d91", high = "#5e8761",mid = "white", limits = c(-2,2)) +
  labs(title = "Patterns of association between somatic events",
       caption = "Purple squares represent negative associations (mutually exclusive mutations).\nGreen squares represent positively associated events (co-mutation).\nThe colour scale represents the magnitude of the association (log odds)",
       fill= "Log odds")+
  theme_classic() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        axis.line.x = element_blank(),
        axis.line.y = element_blank())